Saturday 23 October 2010

Casting - part 2.........


Have just finished a 3 hour casting session.

There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that I will definitely have sufficient porcelain slip to complete enough arms and legs for all the remaining doll kits.

The bad news is that when the current tub of slip is finished I won't be able to get more of the coloured flesh slip tint I've used for the past 6 years as it has been discontinued.

It was touch and go whether I would have enough of it to make enough limb sets to match up with the diminishing number of doll heads/torsos already made.  However, although I'll literally be scraping the bottom of the barrel, there will definitely be enough.

Thank goodness.

Thereafter I will no longer be producing ANY 1/12th doll kits, which will be liberating and scary in equal measure.  I've been making them for over 20 years and they've been the backbone of the business, however I'm dead set on completely moving onto pastures new and it will be less stressful than trying to keep a foot in both camps, which has been the case during the changeover period.

Effectively permanently moving down a scale, dollwise is also going to be liberating and scary.  The upside is that ALL my moulds will fit in a medium sized box, rather than taking up 12 feet of storage cupboards, which was the case before I sold off most of my moulds last year.

So just one final 1/12th casting session tomorrow, which will signal the end of an era.......

In other news, regular readers will have noticed that I quite like graphs and charts.  This has come as something of a revelation to me, as at school they used to give me a fit of the vapours.

Especially fiendishly complicated Venn diagrams.

Well in the spirit of true multitasking, which is my modus operandi today, I've been revisiting some neglected projects with view to having them completed in time for our next fair, which is a mere 13 days away.

Here is a graphical representation of how I'm doing........

 And here is my mood in a picture.....


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