Wednesday 30 April 2008

No pressure...........

You would think, wouldn't you, that just having got over Miniatura, getting our new website up and running, and only a few weeks away from the Kensington Dollshouse Festival, that I would be actively seeking a bit of professional peace and quiet (aside from a few day's camping!)

But what is life without a bit of risk-taking.

Or a healthy dose of work-related stress.

It is in this vein that I've decided to do both of the above and submit a very special piece of work to IGMA with a view to achieving Artisan status.

The primary aim of IGMA (International Guild of Miniature Artisans) is to promote fine miniatures as an art form, thus removing them from the category of crafts. Twice a year their selection panel of 9 committee members meets to evaluate submissions from prospective Artisans. They use a weighted points system that includes overall impression, degree of difficulty and workmanship, creativity and adherence to scale.

Many prospective Artisans are unsuccessful at their first, or subsequent submissions, and if you look at the quality of workmanship which is required to meet their standards, it is easy to understand why.

In line with my 'good grief I'm 50.........what now?!' musings over recent weeks, I've decided to take the plunge and put my heart and soul into creating a submission which is the very, very best I can do.

So, I have pre-registered for May 2009.

Which gives me a year.

To plan and execute.

But you know me and deadlines..............

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